Friday, 7 September 2012

Stay Healthy and Athletic On Your Own

Nowadays it has become very hard to take out time from busy schedule even for your own health. Many people have jobs in which field work is minimum or not at all and sitting jobs makes people fat and sometimes lazy. Just like machines our bodies also need to be in motion for proper functioning and good health. Due to hectic routine many of the us could not make out to gym and do weight exercises to keep ourselves in shape. Moreover going to gym requires much effort. 

But there is a way out safe and easy. Using weight of body to do exercise. Getting good body shape is not an impossible task now. Book named "You are your own gym" written by Mark Lauren and Joshua Clark is the bible of body weight exercise for men and women.

Providing the only exercise equipment anyone will ever need again, this guide presents to the public, for the first time, the most elite Special Operations fitness exercises to fit their schedule and their wallet. Providing the most effective, efficient, inexpensive, and convenient routine for exercise available, this simple program requires no gym or weights only the human body. For thousands of years men have rather utilized their own bodies as the most advanced fitness machines ever created. 107 exercises are presented in a clear, concise, and complete manner for men and women of all athletic ability levels. PDF version of the book can be downloaded from here.

People using Android phones can purchase full version of "You are your own gym" app from Play Store. Here is the link.

Free version of this app can be downloaded from following links.
Link 1

Monday, 3 September 2012

Google Objective-C Client Api Xcode Integration for iOS Tutorial

Hi there,

I have been working on the google's new client library for objective-C. I find it quite difficult to integrate it first in my project. But somehow I successfully integrated and thought if I make a tutorial on how to integrate someone out there might save time. :)

So here is it.

Written by Google, this library is a flexible and efficient Objective-C framework for accessing JSON APIs for iOS applications. The library is compatible with applications built for iOS 3 or above. More information on library is here.

Step 1

First thing to do is check out the GTL library project from here.

Step 2

Now go to the directory where you have checked out project and from source folder open GTL.xcodeproj in Xcode.

Now select GTLTouchStaticLib as your active scheme and build the project. (command+B)

Step 3

After you have compiled and build, goto Organiser->Projects->GTL and click on the little arrow for Derived  Data. 

You will find libGTLTouchStaticLib.a file and Headers folder in derived data's project folder->Build->Products->Debug-iphoneos

The static library file should be dragged into your application(in which you want to integrate google client library) project's Build Phases "Link Binary with Libraries" list.

Also do not forget to add SystemConfiguration and Security framework in your project.

Step 4

Next, add the ObjC link options to the application target's build settings, along with the all_load flag

Other Linker Flags: -ObjC -all_load

Step 5

Drag the folder with the class files for the services from GTL project folder needed by your application, such as Tasks or Books, directly into your project.

Application classes using the library should include the header for each specific service, such as

#import "GTLTasks.h"

Step 6

Write the code for your application. Happy Coding :)